“The Kenai” as it is fondly named by Alaskans, is a region renowned for world-class sport fishing on the Kenai River and Kasilof Rivers.
The Kenai River was selected by CNN Travel as one of the “World’s 15 Best Rivers for Travelers,” due to its fishing opportunities.
Kenai | Soldotna INTRODUCTION
Monster King salmon appear in Cook Inlet starting in late May, then gradually find their way into the river systems, with numbers peaking from late June through mid-July.
Red salmon are also readily abundant in the Kenai Peninsula’s waterways during July. In August look for silver salmon in good numbers, continuing into September. Closely following the silvers are energetic dolly varden who like to feed on salmon eggs that float downstream from spawning grounds.
In addition to Alaska sport fishing trips, the Kenai offers bear viewing trips, lodge stays and river rafting adventures. Soldotna, Alaska is located on the western edge of the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, a wildlife protected area of nearly 2 million acres of wildlife habitat for bears, moose, caribou, sheep and birds.
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